Monday, July 20, 2009


It’s been a few days since any WeeFee so I have a bit of catching up to do. We drove down from Arles today to the Med.. The real Med that is the parts we’ve seen up to now have been sort of uninspiring to say the least but today has been the stuff of movies.

We found this small but classy hotel. We were getting tired if driving and just followed the signs up these dusty roads. The parking lot was gravel and dust but then we walked through the gate and looked right out across their patio to the bay. Oh my!

This is the view from our patio, not too bad.

Showered up and went shopping into the village. Had a beer on the waterfront and I had to go and walk the boat docks to see what they had there. Then we took a picnic dinner out onto our private patio.

The lobby

I’ll be playing catch up for a while I can see. I’m ready to put my feet up now, after a day of driving, the beer and the wine.
Life is good.

1 comment:

Jenny Hope said...

Ok.... can see me here....I think I could just fit in like that!