Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We’ve had it some two weeks now, ever since Paris. It’s funky, fugly and fun. It’s tiny by US standards but sometimes feels too big here. It’s a 5 speed diesel that works just perfectly. First gear will pull away on the flat without any throttle, third gear gets a workout on these windy, hilly roads and is really versatile. Fifth will match anyone on the motorways. Up to the speed limit of course. Although when I'm overtaking a couple of trucks at 130KPH Sharon likens it to being in an out of control shopping cart!!!
That doesn't apply to the Alpha’s, Ferraris and the myriad of Porches I saw on the Corniche yesterday.

On the bank of the Rhone at Arles.

It’s a two door or three if you count the back and that’s what turns heads. I can jam into the tightest parking spot and people will smile, like “let’s see you get out of that!” I push the button and the doors slide back either side. The criteria of course, is if I can get my butt out, then I’m in.

Your car awaits.

When you’re coming back to the car just press the button, step into your seat without all the hassle. The people in the sidewalk cafes, get a kick out of that. The big factor is, at home in my car, no key in the ignition, the doors and windows don’t work. This one works at anytime off the key outside or onboard buttons. It's tall as well so I can see over those "Little" cars.

I’m actually getting to like it.

Although driving this on the Corniche couldn't be all bad.

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